Saturday, November 5, 2011


I started and stopped several posts today.  I've been meaning to post for the last week and with my husband out of town the last couple of days that goal has been harder and harder to accomplish

Since I've not been able to adequately settle those other posts, I decided to start anew.  It's almost 2 in the morning, but our baby is sleeping (she normally heads in between 12 and 1:30, the dishes are washed, I've read a chapter in Luke (my goal is to slowly, but surely make it through the gospels, even if its just a chapter a day), the living room is straightened, I've put a dish in the crockpot (tomorrow is our monthly communal dinner for first Sunday at church), I've picked out our clothes for tomorrow, and now all that is left to do is shower and head to bed.

I feel quite accomplished.  I had a good day, I thoroughly enjoyed being a mother.  I didn't waste the day away watching television, I didn't spend any money, and I appropriately prioritized.  My intention had been to post some amazing insightful masterpiece on something or another, but I'm going to contently settle on a day well lived and start anew tomorrow.


Chike said...

You're a masterpiece, Tina Roberts-Jeffers. Thank you for being such a great wife, mother, and person.

Elaine said...

God's mercies are new every morning. It's always good to rest your head knowing you can start anew EVERY morning. Blessings.